Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Making a move????

So I'm currently checking out wordpress. I know, this will likely cause any of you aggregators the strife of having to plug in yet another web address. But the place was lauded by a friend of mine at What the Stitch?. So I'm trying it out. I'll let you know when/if I make the move.

The biggest thing holding me back is that the website is slow from over here. Blogger is much faster. But wordpress just LOOKS so much nicer. There are more features. I'm torn. Any advice?

(You can see what I'm testing out at


hootenannie said...

Wordpress gives you tabs. That was reason enough for me to switch. :)

HI BRENT! Thanks for reading my blog! A friend of House 9 is a friend of mine. I've added you to my Google Reader. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Wordpress convert, too. I like your test site.

Unknown said...

Wordpress! Then we can be wordpress friends. Though I still haven't figured out how to make mine look nice, which has nothing to do with the website but my own lack of style.